
How to Install Lcrafter In Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04

Installation Steps

The installation of the library in your system should be quite simple. First download the latest release of the library from here

Extract the source code:

$ tar xfvz crafter-0.3.tar.gz $ cd crafter-0.3 

Before configuring and compiling libcrafter you need lipcap installed in your system. On debian based distros, you should execute:

$ sudo apt-get install libpcap0.8 libpcap0.8-dev


got to the extracted file location
for example - champ96k@champ96k:~/Downloads/crafter-0.3$ 

$ ./configure


$ make

Install on your system:

$ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig

Finally, you can download some examples of codes and test them


If you want to use the cutting edge version (i.e. HEAD) of libcrafter you should have Autoconf and lib tool installed in your system

$ sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool

Clone the repository and compile the library :

$sudo apt install git

$ git clone # or git clone $ cd libcrafter/libcrafter $ ./ $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig

to check here is code

Write a program to analyze the following packet/header formats captured through Wireshark for the wired network.  1. IP 2.TCP 3. UDP


#include <iostream> #include <crafter.h> /* Collapse namespaces */ using namespace std; using namespace Crafter; int main() { int ch; string iface = "eth0"; /* Set the interface */ /* Get the IP address associated to the interface */ string MyIP = GetMyIP(iface); cout << "[@] My IP address is : " << MyIP << endl; do { cout<<"1. IP Header"<< endl; cout<<"2. TCP Header"<< endl; cout<<"3. UDP Header"<< endl; cout<<"Enter your Choice"<< endl; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1 : { // Create an IP header IP ip_header; //Set the Source and Destination IP address ip_header.SetSourceIP(MyIP); //ip_header.SetDestinationIP(""); ip_header.SetDestinationIP(""); RawLayer payload("Payload using IP"); Packet ip_packet = ip_header / payload; cout << endl << "IP: " << endl; ip_packet.Print(); ip_packet.Send(); } break; case 2 : { //Create an TCP - SYN header IP ip_header; //Set the Source and Destination IP address ip_header.SetSourceIP(MyIP); //ip_header.SetDestinationIP(""); ip_header.SetDestinationIP(""); TCP tcp_header; tcp_header.SetSrcPort(11); tcp_header.SetDstPort(8011); tcp_header.SetSeqNumber(RNG32()); tcp_header.SetFlags(TCP::SYN); RawLayer payload("Payload using TCP"); Packet tcp_packet = ip_header / tcp_header / payload; cout << endl << "TCP: " << endl; tcp_packet.Print(); tcp_packet.Send(); } break; case 3 : { IP ip_header; //Set the Source and Destination IP address ip_header.SetSourceIP(MyIP); //ip_header.SetDestinationIP(""); ip_header.SetDestinationIP(""); UDP udp_header; udp_header.SetSrcPort(11); udp_header.SetDstPort(8012); RawLayer payload("Payload using UDP"); Packet udp_packet = ip_header / udp_header / payload; cout << endl << "UDP: " << endl; udp_packet.Print(); udp_packet.Send(); } break; default: break; } }while(ch<4); return 0; }

Steps To run
g++ tcp1.cpp -lcrafter
sudo ./a.out
password:- siem123

Thank you for reading

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